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Gold Certificate in Reflective Practice 

The Gold Certificate is the highest level of assessed programmes for practitioners and leaders who are wanting to use reflective practice to develop their own skills and to drive improvement across a service.


The work is  is likely to be useful in building professional portfolios of reflective practice for revalidation purposes.


There is no requirements for prior learning or academic qualifications, but participants will need to be able to show that they can use reflections to identify where there is good practice that can be built on or shortcomings that need to be addressed - either in their own practice or in the service they are employed in. There is a greater need to consider best practice and portfolios will need to be aligned to published guidance, legislation or professional standards. At this level there is a need to show the impact of the improvement from reflection.


Completion is  possible within six months, but it is likely that the portfolio will take longer to complete as there is a need to demonstrate improved outcomes.

Who is this course for?

The certificate is the highest level qualification, designed for those with some experience of reflective practice. It may suit those wanting a new challenge, those aspiring to leadership positions or needing to build evidence of their competency and commitment to learning. It is particularly suitable for staff and practitioners, such as GP trainees, who need to build confidence and skills  in reflection as an integral part of their training. 


It requires participants to reflect on usual work practice, how individual behaviours and attitudes impact on team dynamics and how self awareness can be used to bring about improvements how the team works.  Participants are required to complete a reflective diary over a short period and write some basic assignments that demonstrate an awareness of what high quality care looks like.  The portfolio requires direct observations of care settings as well as completion  of the Towards Outstanding Reflective Practice Workbook. 


This level of award is likely to be suitable for;


  • Nursing and midwifery staff with some experience (band 6 and above or experienced band 5's)

  • Allied healthcare professionals with some experience (band 6 and above or experienced band 5's)

  • Paramedics and senior ambulance technicians 

  • GP trainees 

  • Medical staff employed in independent hospitals (such as Resident Medical Officers) 

  • Foundation Programme doctors 

  • Hospice staff 

  • Specialist community nursing staff such as health visitors and school nurses 



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